Friday, April 16, 2010

floor sagas continued

333 ft. of lumber, 100+ concrete anchors, 100+ 1/4-20 bolts, 150+ washers, 350 or so concrete screws, 140 douglas fir toung-and-grove flooring planks, and a whole mess of nails. clearly, there is still plenty of work to be done, but we have most of a porch floor.

shown here: 1) a bit of floor and implements of destruction 2) alger enjoying the smooth transit from the back yard into the house. why is there nothing to trip over? 3) a typical anchor point, 1/4-anchor shimmed, leveled and pinned with concrete screws on both sides. this image will be history after tomorrow.

and ok, so blogger does not really facilitate layouts, so we'll just have to infer which photo goes with which comment by context.

a day of floor laying progress: as we approach the end of the porch, we witness the "last stand" 720 marshall porch tool barge... and it's gone, paving the way to further floor laying and progress in general.


  1. Hey Rebecca, the floor looks great! And I'm with you guys on the crappy layout functions of blogger.
