Thursday, July 16, 2009

Happy house...neglected blog

July 16, 2009

Not much time for blogging lately. But we have made so much progress! I'm feeling much more optimistic, you know, now that there aren't any gaping holes!

Laundry room with holes...

The laundry room with a door, a window and a structurally sound external wall.

The new 6' french doors are finally in place.

The dummy wall that divided the porch has been taken down (the porch is huge!)

The old set of french doors no longer live on the patio (sorry no picture of the finished product). Admittedly I bit off more than I could chew with this project. Flaws aside, they still look better than they did before. I've downgraded the status of this project from 'total disaster' to small catastrophe. Remodel and learn.
Randy did an amazing job on our new gate! We've also started to do a bit of xeroscaping in the front yard. My goal is to have replaced 3/4 of our lawn by the time Woodland installs water meters.

Perhaps most shocking (to me anyway) is that I've successfully sewn two sets of curtains. And yes, the one set is hanging by masking tape in the picture above, but that was only temporary- it's properly installed now. Considering the fact that I'm a fairly right brained geeky scientist I'm rather proud of how they turned out.
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